The program stated at 3:30 pm with a word of prayer from a widow present (Mama Emilia) who thanked God almighty for making possible for us to think about them and bring them together.
On the heels of the prayer, the coordinator of RHFC Cameroon, on behalf of the CEO. Of the RHFC thanked the women for honoring their call and begged them to receive the little they had for them. He went ahead to outline some of their achievements and future projects to the widows present.
The next on the agenda was self-introduction. This was done in an orderly and in the most jovial manner starting from the coordinator himself, the members of the NGO and the last group were women present.
The program continued with health talk,this was done by one of our member Madam Doudou. She spoke on the pandemic that is ravaging the world today, the COVID 19. She began be calling on all present to be wearing masks everywhere they go. She outlined how it can be contacted, how it can be prevented and she spoke on the effects, like death, most especially to the older persons like some of the women present. Still under Health Talk, thecoordinator spoke on Diabetes and Hypertension. He told the women that people thought these diseases were only for old people, but that it has no age limit. He educated the women on their causes and how it can be prevented because if they don’t try to prevent it, it causes death. He advised the women on what to eat and to do exercises often.
The next on the program was the distribution of the food items. It should be noted that the number of women present outnumbered the actual number of women who were budgeted for the program. These items which included, rice, vegetable oil, Savon soap, Maggi, salt, small basket for cooking, and all these gifts were donated to the widows in an orderly and organized manner.
The celebration ended after a powerful and soul searching prayer from one of the widow present who asked the almighty God to blessed the NGO, members and all the donors who provided them with food, and say they will never lack, this prayer was followed with a closing remark from the coordinator who thanked God almighty, thanked the CEO and thanked all the donors and well-wishers who contributed for a successful occasion.
The celebration ended with a group photograph and some interviews with the media that were present and the rendezvous was taken for next year 2022.
In our campaign to beat COVID 19 out of Cameroon, RHFC visited the Mile 4 Limbe community on Thursday, the 16th of April 2020. During the visit, the team donated some preventive equipment to the Maternity Health Centre of Bonadikombo mile 4 and the motor park of mile 4, Limbe. This equipment included (2) 120 liters’ drum, (2) 80 Liters, (4) 10 liters’ buckets, detergents, a carton of big Savon.
During the campaign, the chief of centre and the chief medical doctor, Mme. AkoEmaculateNamondo and Dr. Fidelis NdumbeMonong of the maternity were very happy and thanked RHFC for always thinking about the hospital. They both demonstrated to the public present on how to wash our hand with clean water and savon
The same activity was also carried out at the mile 4 motor park of limbe. After displaying their skills in hand washing, the park supervisor, Mr. Otia Christopher thanked RHFC for the great gesture they just did to them; that they will use the materials to save lives.